Titles | Order |
City of Darkness: Unseen by Erin Kelly | Anthology |
Drums Around The Fire (World of Darkness: Werewolf :The Apocalypse) by Bill Bridges | Anthology |
Werewolf: Storyteller's Screen by James A. Moore |
Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition by Bill Bridges | Onyx Path - 20th Anniversary |
Werewolf: The Apocalypse : Storytellers Screen by James A. Moore |
Werewolf: The Dark Ages by Forrest Marchinton |
When Will You Rage? (Garou anthology, 1st edition) by Stewart Wieck | Anthology |
Black Spiral Dancers and Wendigo by Bill Bridges | Novel |
Bone Gnawers & Stargazers by Justin Achilli | Novel |
Breathe Deeply by Don Bassingthwaite | Novel |
Call to Battle by Doug Murray | Novel |
Children of Gaia & Uktena by Richard Lee Byers | Novel |
Conspicuous Consumption by Stewart Von Allmen | Novel |
The Last Battle by White Wolf Publishing Inc | Novel |
Predator & Prey: Jury by John H. Steele | Novel - Predator and Prey |
Predator & Prey: Werewolf by John H. Steele | Novel - Predator and Prey |
Red Talons & Fianna by Eric Griffin | Novel |
Shadowlords & Get of Fenris by John H. Steele | Novel |
Silent Striders & Black Furies by Carl Bowen | Novel |
The Silver Crown by William Bridges | Novel |
Silver Fang & Glass Walk by Carl Bowen | Novel |
Werewolf The Apocalypse: Black Furies (Werewolf the Apocalypse) by Joe Gentile | Novel - Moonstone |
Werewolf The Apocalypse: Bone Gnawers (Werewolf: The Apocalypse) by Joe Gentile | Novel - Moonstone |
Werewolf The Apocalypse: Fang and Claw Volume 1: Raging Fury by Joe Gentile | Novel - Moonstone |
Werewolf The Apocalypse: Fang and Claw Volume 2: Call of the Wyld by Joe Gentile | Novel - Moonstone |
Werewolf The Apocalypse: Fianna | Novel - Moonstone |
Wyrm Wolf by Edo van Belkom | Novel |
*OP Book of the City by James Comer | Sourcebook |
*OP Ghost Towns (Werewolf: The Apocalypse) by Nancy Amboy | Sourcebook |
*OP Rage Across Australia (Werewolf) by Ben Chessell | Sourcebook |
Apocalypse: Time of Judgement (Werewolf) by Phyllis Bowen | Sourcebook |
The Apocalyse (Mind's Eye Theater - Werewolf) by Mike Tinney | Sourcebook |
Axis Mundi: The Book of Spirits by Bill Bridges | Sourcebook |
Book of Auspices by Matt McFarland | Sourcebook |
Book of the Weaver by Sue Armstrong | Sourcebook |
Book of the Wyld by Richard Dansky | Sourcebook |
Book of the Wyrm by White Wolf | Sourcebook |
Book of the Wyrm (Mind's Eye Theatre) by Jackie Cassada | Sourcebook - MET |
Book of Wyrm (2nd Edition) by Ron Spencer | Sourcebook |
Caerns: Places of Power by Bill Bridges | Sourcebook |
Changing Breeds: Ananasi:Fangs of the Mother Queen by James Moore | Sourcebook |
Changing Breeds: Bastet by Phil Brucato | Sourcebook |
Changing Breeds: Corax by Richard Dansky | Sourcebook |
Changing Breeds: Gurahl by White Wolf | Sourcebook |
Changing Breeds: Mokole by James Comer | Sourcebook |
Changing Breeds: Nagah by Kraig Blackwelder | Sourcebook |
Changing Breeds: Nuwisha by James Moore | Sourcebook |
Changing Breeds: Ratkin by Brian Campbell | Sourcebook |
Changing Breeds: Rokea:First-Born of Sea by Matthew McFarland | Sourcebook |
Chronicle of the Black Labyrinth: A Forbidden Tome of Wyrmish Lore by Sam Inabinet | Sourcebook |
Croatan Song by Bill Bridges | Sourcebook |
Dark Alliance: Vancouver by Nigel Findley | Sourcebook |
Freak Legion: A Players Guide to the Fomori (Werewolf) by Steve Brown | Sourcebook |
Frontier Secrets by Richard Dansky | Sourcebook |
Guardians of the Caerns (Werewolf: The Apocalypse) by Forrest Marchinton | Sourcebook |
GURPS Werewolf: The Apocalypse by Robert Schroeck | Sourcebook-GURPS |
Hammer and Klaive by Ethan Skemp | Sourcebook |
Hell-Storm by James A. Moore | Sourcebook |
Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East by Heather Curatola | Sourcebook |
Kinfolk: Unsung Heroes by Forrest Marchinton | Sourcebook |
Laws of the Wild (Mind's Eye Theatre) by Thomas Stratman | Sourcebook - MET |
Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 3 by Randi-Jo Bruner | Sourcebook |
Laws of the Wyld West (Mind's Eye Theatre) by Peter Woodworth | Sourcebook |
Litany of the Tribes #1: Black Furies, Bone Gnawers and Children of Gaia by Joshua Gabriel Timbrook | Sourcebook |
Litany of the Tribes #2:Fianna, Get of Fenris and Glass Walkers by Joshua Timbrook | Sourcebook |
Litany of the Tribes #3: Red Talons, Shadow Lords and Silent Striders by Brian Campbell | Sourcebook |
Litany of the Tribes #4: Silver Fangs, Stargazers, Uktena, and Wendigo by White Wolf Publishing | Sourcebook |
Minds Eye Theater: The Changing Breeds 1 (Laws of the Wild) (No. 1) by Peter Woodworth | Sourcebook - MET |
Monkeywrench: Pentex (Werewolf) by Brad Freeman | Sourcebook |
Outcasts: A Player's Guide to Pariahs by James Moore | Sourcebook |
Past Lives by Bruce Bauch | Sourcebook |
Players Guide to Changing Breeds (Werewolf) by White Wolf | Sourcebook |
Players Guide to Garou (Werewolf the Apocalypse) by White Wolf Publishing | Sourcebook |
Possessed: A Player's Guide for Werewolf: The Apocalypse by C.A. Suleiman | Sourcebook |
Project Twilight (Werewolf : the Apocalypse) by Christopher Howard | Sourcebook |
Rage Across Appalachia (Werewolf) by Jackie Cassada | Sourcebook |
Rage Across Egypt (Werewolf: The Apocalypse) by Chris Howard | Sourcebook |
Rage Across New York by Clark Mitchell | Sourcebook |
Rage Across Russia by Steve Casper | Sourcebook |
Rage Across the Amazon (Werewolf) by William Spencer-Hale | Sourcebook |
Rage Across the Heavens (Werewolf: The Apocalypse) by Jackie Cassada | Sourcebook |
Rage Across the World 3 (Werewolf, the Apocalypse , Vol 3) by Daniel Greenberg | Sourcebook |
Rage Across the World Volume 1 by Joshua Timbrook | Sourcebook |
Rage Across the World Volume 2 by Jeff Rebner | Sourcebook |
Rage: Warriors of the Apocalypse by White Wolf Publishing | Sourcebook |
Rite of Passage : Through Danger Reborn by Sam Chupp | Sourcebook |
The Silver Record by Bill Bridges | Sourcebook |
Subsidiaries: A Guide to Pentex (Werewolf: The Apocalypse) by Richard Dansky | Sourcebook |
Tales From the Trails: Mexico by James A. Moore | Sourcebook |
Tribebook: Bone Gnawers (1st) by Sam Chupp | Sourcebook |
Tribebook: Fianna (1st) by Harry Heckel | Sourcebook |
Tribebook:Black Furies (1st) by Phil Brucato | Sourcebook |
Tribebook:Black Furies (Revised) by White Wolf Publishing | Sourcebook - Tribebook |
Tribebook:Bone Gnawers (Revised) by Brian Campbell | Sourcebook - Tribebook |
Tribebook:Children of Gaia (1st) by Daniel Greenberg | Sourcebook |
Tribebook:Children of Gaia (Revised) by White Wolf Publishing | Sourcebook - Tribebook |
Tribebook:Fianna (Revised) by Forrest Marchinton | Sourcebook - Tribebook |
Tribebook:Get of Fenris (1st) by James A. Moore | Sourcebook |
Tribebook:Get of Fenris (Revised) by Bjørn T. Bøe | Sourcebook - Tribebook |
Tribebook:Glass Walkers (1st) by Emrey Barnes | Sourcebook |
Tribebook:Glass Walkers (Revised) by White Wolf Publishing | Sourcebook - Tribebook |
Tribebook:Red Talons (1st) by Ben Chessell | Sourcebook |
Tribebook:Red Talons (Revised) by White Wolf Publishing | Sourcebook - Tribebook |
Tribebook:Shadow Lords (1st) by Brian Campbell | Sourcebook |
Tribebook:Shadow Lords (Revised) by Chris Campbell | Sourcebook - Tribebook |
Tribebook:Silent Striders (1st) by Ethan Skemp | Sourcebook |
Tribebook:Silent Striders (Revised) by Ethan Skemp | Sourcebook - Tribebook |
Tribebook:Silver Fangs (1st) by Christopher Howard | Sourcebook |
Tribebook:Silver Fangs (Revised) by Bill Bridges | Sourcebook - Tribebook |
Tribebook:Stargazers (1st) by Bill Bridges | Sourcebook |
Tribebook:Stargazers (Revised) by Chuck Wendig | Sourcebook - Tribebook |
Tribebook:Uktena (1st) by Jackie Cassada | Sourcebook |
Tribebook:Uktena (Revised) by Forrest Marchinton | Sourcebook - Tribebook |
Tribebook:Wendigo (1st) by Bill Bridges | Sourcebook |
Tribebook:Wendigo (Revised) by White Wolf | Sourcebook - Tribebook |
Umbra 2nd Edition by Brian Campbell | Sourcebook |
Umbra: The Velvet Shadow by Harry Heckel | Sourcebook |
Under A Blood Red Moon by Tony Harris | Sourcebook |
Valkenburg Foundation by William Spencer-Hale | Sourcebook |
Watcher: Based on the Apocalypse by Charles Grant | Sourcebook |
Ways of the Wolf: The Lupus Sourcebook for Werewolf: The Apocalypse by Steve Crow | Sourcebook |
Werewolf : the Apocalypse : a story telling game of savage horror (2nd Edition - WW3600) by Mark Rein·Hagen | Sourcebook - WW3600 |
Werewolf Chronicles, Volume 1: Rite of Passage, Valkenberg Foundation by Sam Chupp | Sourcebook |
Werewolf Chronicles, Volume 2: Ways of the Wolf, Monkeywrench: Pentex by Steve Crow | Sourcebook |
Werewolf Players Guide by Dan Brereton | Sourcebook |
Werewolf Players Guide (Werewolf - the Apocalypse) by Matt Wagner | Sourcebook |
Werewolf Poker Deck: The Wild West by White Wolf Game Studio | Sourcebook |
Werewolf Storytellers Companion by White Wolf Publishing | Sourcebook |
Werewolf Storytellers Handbook by Clyde Caldwell | Sourcebook |
Werewolf Storytellers Handbook, Revised by Ethan Skemp | Sourcebook |
Werewolf: The Apocalypse by Brian Campbell | Sourcebook - WW3801 |
Werewolf: The Wild West by Glenn Fabry | Sourcebook |
Who's Who Among Werewolves: Garou Saga (Werewolf) by Rustin Quaide | Sourcebook |
The Wild West Companion by James Moore | Sourcebook |
World of Rage by Bruce Baugh | Sourcebook |
The Essential World of Darkness by Stewart Wieck | Omnibus |
The Quintessential World of Darkness by Anna Branscome | Omnibus |
Shattered Dreams by Onyx Path | W20 |
Werewolf: The Apocalypse (First Edition - WW 3000) by Mark Rein·Hagen | WW3000 |
Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised Limited Edition (WW3799) by Mitch Byrd | WW3799 |
W20 Changing Breeds by Jess Hartley | W20 |