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AutoHotkey automates keystrokes and mouse clicks to more efficiently handle repetitive tasks, like clicking through screens or entering your street address. You can also write macros or use the app's macro recorder. AutoHotkey supports scripting, too. Best of all, AutoHotkey is open source freeware.
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Setup options: AutoHotkey's setup process includes options galore.
Hotstrings: Hotstrings expand abbreviations into full text, but they can trigger any action you can script.
Screen management: AutoHotkey's ImageSearch command can search screen regions for images. PixelGetColor records the color of single pixels at precise screen coordinates. PixelSearch searches for pixels by color.
Windows management: AutoHotkey has many Windows controls, including Groups (GroupActivate, GroupAdd, GroupClose, GroupDeactivate). Directives enable direct (sometimes brute force) commands for many operations.
Complex: AutoHotkey makes things easier, but it has so many options, features, and capabilities that less experienced users might find it daunting.
Scripting: It's not difficult to write macros, and AutoHotkey provides extensive instructions and support; nevertheless, it's another aspect that might intimidate inexperienced users.
Bottom Line
AutoHotkey is an impressive app with almost limitless capabilities in the right hands. Some users might find it intimidating, which is a shame because AutoHotkey is actually easy to use and can automate the most basic commands as easily as complex strings.